Garden Restoration: The Nettle Patch
I’ve now discovered a stinging nettle patch. I’m going to leave this to grow here as it’s great for a garden to have a patch of nettles...

Garden Restoration: Tulip Potential
So after lots of weeding and clearing, I’ve discovered some tulips and bluebells beneath the undergrowth. I’ve cleared the area and I’m...

Garden Restoration Blog: LIFE!
LIFE!! Hurrah! I’ve finally found life in this forlorn place! Two sleepy Noctuid moth caterpillars. I asked on Twitter and @bugmanjones...

Garden Restoration Blog: The Key...
Every inch of this garden seems to have some (unwanted) hidden bounty. Sadly no gold coins or treasure chests – but I’ve just found this...

Garden Restoration Blog: The Spear
Ummm. Yes. That IS an exotic spear that I’ve just found in the earth… #gardenrestorationblog

Garden Restoration Blog: The Car in the Tree
I started to prune back the rhododendron bush today and several large pieces of yellow plastic fell out of the tree, along with part of a...

Garden Restoration Blog: SO much rubbish!!
This is just the beginning…. and I’m wondering if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. In these few boxes there are pieces of metal,...

Garden Restoration Blog: The Oil Drum
So… here’s one of several large oil drums that were used to burn things in the garden! This one is too heavy to move as it’s got...

Garden Restoration Blog: The Potential!
Here’s another view along the little garden. I can see lots of potential. There’s a buddleia bush in the foreground and there’s quite a...

Garden Restoration Blog: The Bald Lawn...
Here’s a closer-look at the state of the lawn area. It’s been used to burn all kinds of things and there are remnants of clothing,...