Muscari Flowers
The bright blue flowers of the Muscari that I planted as soon as we arrived have begun to appear. My iris and lilies are looking healthy...

Ready to plant my summer seeds!
So I’ve lined up my pots ready to plant my summer border seeds! #gardenrestorationblog

Giant Ashtray
You have no idea just how bad this smells... #gardenrestorationblog

The iris and lilies are planted!
The iris and lilies are planted! I’ll have to keep a watchful eye for the snails… #gardenrestorationblog

Night is falling. I can definitely see an improvement now. Happy! #gardenrestorationblog

Lambs Ear & Cyclamen...
As well as the wild geranium, I’ve planted out lambs ear and a cyclamen. Hope they survive. #gardenrestorationblog

The Border is Progressing
The border is progressing! I’ve unearthed a LOT of rocks too… #gardenrestorationblog

Sleepy caterpillars
Today I unearthed several bright green caterpillars. I put then back under cover…. It was suggested to me by @bugmanjones on Twitter...

Unexpected visitor
An unexpected visitor today. A ****s resting beneath a rhododendron leaf. #gardenrestorationblog

We have a flower-bed!
Exciting times! It’s looking like an actual border now! I have some potted heather that may be too far gone to save…. I’ve planted it...