Another flower bed
And this is where the soil is going - the beginnings of a flower bed. #gardenrestorationblog

Alas poor Yorick...
Alas poor Yorick... Anyone any idea what type of bird skull this might be? #gardenrestorationblog

Buffy's sunny patch
The Tulips and bluebells are in full bloom and colour is beginning to return! This little sunny patch is my cat Buffy’s favourite place...

Chaos at the back!
Don’t look at the back of the garden yet… this is still in utter chaos! #gardenrestorationblog

Did I plant seeds in ALL the pots?
Weird – I’m sure I planted seeds in both pots!… #gardenrestorationblog

Awful. This is definitely a ‘piece’ of badger. I used to volunteer at a wildlife sanctuary and know the familiar wirey coat. It had...

Primroses, Broom and Fuchsia
A closer view of the colourful pots this evening - primroses, broom and fuchsia. Still not sure what that leaf is – anyone know?!...

Sunny evenings
I have a few pots that I’ve placed in a spot that gets the sun in the evenings. The broom smells just lovely… #gardenrestorationblog

Well... that's a first for me!
Oh. My. God. Mating Earthworms. When they sensed I was there (with a camera!) they SHOT back into their respective holes......

Bluebells and Tulips!
Bluebells and tulips! I didn’t plant either. I’m so glad there were some bulbs down there just waiting for enough sunshine to flower…...