The Supervisor
Meanwhile Buffy the Supervisor supervises… in the shade. #gardenrestorationblog

The flower bed is growing
Here’s a wide shot of the flower bed creation (that’s about five trips with the wheel barrow!) #gardenrestorationblog

The chrysalis
I’ve unearthed quite a few of these. Most appear to have been devoured by ants however… #gardenrestorationblog

Sleepy grubs...
I’ve unearthed a few of these too – I think they are Noctuid Moth caterpillars. I’ve placed then on the ‘new’ soil pile under leaves in...

Enormous centipede!
Amidst the junk in the soil are living creatures that I’m re-locating to the new border. Here’s a large, feisty centipede....

Wind your body!
Really hard to get a photo of this fella – he’s a VERY fast mover!... #gardenrestorationblog

Earth mountain still there....
Here’s a wider view of the soil mountain area… it's gradually shrinking. #gardenrestorationblog

New flower bed...
And this is where the soil is going - the beginnings of a flower bed. #gardenrestorationblog

Earth mountain
A small mountain of earth has been sitting on the concrete area at the back. The soil is full of debris so I’ve been clearing it up a...

Earth Mountain Is Shrinking!
It's shrinking! Slowly but surely... #gardenrestorationblog