Grassy 'Hair Transplant'
Seeing as there are big clumps of grass growing between paving stones, I’m going to transplant this along the border of the lawn, to give...

The Luxury Latrine
Ah. Despite my best efforts at deterring the cat from my grass seeded area, the Bengal seems to think it’s a luxury latrine / sunbathing...

Warm earth
Whereas my little moggy loves warm earth…. #gardenrestorationblog

Bengal Prince
If there is a choice between dusty soil or cuddly cat bed – the Bengal always chooses the luxury option! #gardenrestorationblog

New shoots and leaves
The pots are beginning to show signs of life! Lots of little shoots and leaves appearing now. Of course, I forgot to label the pots - so...

The iris is getting stronger
The iris plants are looking stronger. I’m amazed that the ‘lump’ of rhizome root I brought with me has grown so well - I wasn’t sure it...

The Lilies
This is a big planter full of lilies. As the ground is so poor, I’m going to plant only half into the garden border soil and leave the...

Seeds are planted...
Meanwhile… At the other end of the garden, there are a LOT of plant pots which I hope are going to spring into life. I’ve planted lots...

Lawn Preparation
The top soil is all raked up and ready for seeds.. #gardenrestorationblog

Time to attack the lawn
Now it’s time to attack the lawn! The area has been burned by the look of things, I think by chemicals as well as fire - so I’m not sure...