The Nettle Patch..
The Nettle Patch is thriving. I don’t want it to get too big though as the nettles could easily take over the area, so I’ll keep them...

The Purple Iris
And here it is finally - in all its beautiful glory! I'm REALLY chuffed, it looks amazing! #gardenrestorationblog

The cats appear to be plotting some cunning plan today…. #gardenrestorationblog

The First Butterfly! A Speckled Wood
THE FIRST BUTTERFLY HAS ARRIVED! The first of many I hope... This is a Speckled Wood Butterfly. There have been times when I have...

Don't you dare snap that iris!....
I’m feeling very protective of that iris! When the cats get too close to each other I never know if they’re going to be nice or break...

Grass shoots
Ooooh! Now the grass seeds are finally sprouting! It’s so fine and spindly... #gardenrestorationblog

Chunky Iris Stalks!
Ta-da! The iris plants have suddenly shot up! The have developed really chunky stalks and the buds are looking full – I’m SO chuffed!...

Cat Scratching Post
The stump of a rhododendron bush that had been felled before we arrived is becoming an occasional cat scratching post....

More grassy transplants
I’ve added a few more patches of grass transplant to the bald area... #gardenrestorationblog

The bald lawn has a grass fringe!
The view from above – showing the bald lawn with its new grass fringe ‘transplant’ border. Still haven’t managed to get that manky oil...