Savannah Cat!
This is getting ridiculous! The cat thinks she’s in the Savannah! #gardenrestorationblog #cat

Latest pile of rubbish...
And here’s the latest pile of rubbish from the garden. At least it’s beginning to tail off a bit now. I’m not sure if anyone is ever...

The Giant Nail
Well I’m still digging up unwanted buried treasure! This is a GIANT nail. The ‘small’ nail to the right of it is actually as long as my...

Let Me-oow Out!
Oh Man! He REALLY wants to go out! #gardenrestorationblog #cat

Splendid Seedlings!
Further along the little wall are some seedlings that are looking splendid now! I recognise the poppy leaves so far but that’s about it…...

Wildflowers for the bees....
Here’s a wider view of the row of pots that are doing so well. Really pleased about this lot. Hope I manage to get flowers from them...

Come on my little beauties!
Come on my little beauties! Lots of wildflowers just waiting for the right time to germinate (I’m hoping!....) #gardenrestorationblog

We’ve got to get a lawn mower! Can hardly see the cat!... #gardenrestorationblog

Minibeast Art!
Today I spotted three minibeasts all in a row on the garden fence. Two snails and a caterpillar were in such a straight line, they...

Red Valerian
Now here’s a fabulous flower - red valerian (although it looks rather pink!) It seems to be able to grow anywhere and it’s a firm...