Buddleia Buds
Another closer view of the Buddleia buds ready to bust into life1 #gardenrestorationblog

The Buddleia Is About to Bloom!
The flowers look just about ready to burst into colour. Any day now… #gardenrestorationblog

Grasshopper Heaven!
As someone on Instagram pointed out… ‘you could bale that!’ #gardenrestorationblog #newgrowth

Aerial shot...
Here’s an aerial shot of the garden. All the seedlings are in the sunny patch in the back corner and the lawn is totally covered in...

The Excitement is Growing! What are they?!
I’m so excited about these wildflowers! When they come into flower I should get lots of bees and butterflies visiting. I really hope...

Spikey with Orange Flecks....
Here’s a harlequin ladybird larvae wandering around on the underside of a nettle leaf. They are very distinctive and mobile, typically...

Unidentified Skull
Still wondering what species of bird this skull might be? Here’s my little finger to give an idea of scale…. #gardenrestorationblog

Cuckoo Spit!
Cuckoo spit! Well it’s not actually…. That’s just its nickname. This is actually caused by froghopper nymphs. The tiny pale bug hides...

Butterfly Eggs!
This makes me happy! I left the patch of nettles because they are so important for butterflies to lay their eggs and for their...

What's the Collective Noun for Snails?!
I just caught these bad boys trying to munch my seedlings! There’s been a population explosion of snails in the garden but I refuse to...