A dehydrated mess!
A tangled mess of dried out wildflowers.... #gardenrestorationblog

I’ve let a couple of patches of grass grow to full height rather than cutting it short. As a result there are lots of chirruping...

Cat Stare
The cat is just mesmerised by grasshoppers!.... #gardenrestorationblog #cat

Parched wildflowers
Dried out poppies and other parched wildflowers. I’m really disappointed. The pots were so full of green when I went away. They’re in...

Drought Disaster!
Disaster has struck!! I’ve been working away and the wildflower plants that were doing so well have just frazzled in the heatwave as I...

Pin Cushion Flowers
So this isn’t the best photo but this plant just keeps on blooming! Those pin cushion flowers of the Scabious are a wonderful addition...

Rosemary and Lambs Ear
The rosemary plant seems to be doing quite well in this pot. I put in some Lamb's Ear too.... #gardenrestorationblog

The Tree Stump
The tree stump was here when we arrived. I believe it is a rhododendron. I’ve wondered about hanging flowers or making a bird table...

Nettles and Wild Geraniums
I’ve left a small clump of nettles and these will spread again quickly. In front of the nettles is a growing clump of wild geranium...

Red Valerian
I have seen this pink flower on so many occasions but never knew its name. But thanks to Twitter I discovered it is Red Valerian. This...