Transparent Armour
More woodlouse action shots! It is shedding its skin as it has grown larger. #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

Woodlouse shedding old armour
This is something I’ve never seen before – a woodlouse mid-way through shedding its skin. Fascinating to watch… #gardenrestorationblog...

Contented Cat
Happy, happy cat dozing in the long grass… We got her from a cat rescue centre as a frightened young abandoned stray. I love seeing her...

Another caterpillar
Another variety of caterpillar taking shelter under the buddleia leaves. (I think this will be a red admiral?) #gardenrestorationblog...

Tidying up the survivors
I’ve gathered up the surviving wild flowers and cleared away a lot of the dead leaves etc. Still a few blooms there! #gardenrestorationblog

Borage - the Pimms flower!
On closer inspection, there are a lot of plants that are still going strong… The blue flowers at the front are a borage plant. It has...

Crinkly lily!
I came back from work and was greeted by this lovely sight! The first lily is in bloom! It’s been such hot weather it’s looking all...

The tree stump 'success' gauge
Here’s a wider view of the new lily. The border has filled up with flowering plants now and it’s looking alive! I’m finding that the...

Another minibeast patch
Another small wild patch of wild geraniums that the minibeasts are loving… #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

I've lost most of my seedlings now...
I’ve lost most of my seedlings now. I have been working away with work and the summer heat has ruined so many of them. I’m going to...