Imagining Summer Evenings....
I look forward to coming home to this in the Summer evenings and sitting on a deckchair and feeling very satisfied! #gardenrestorationblog

Another view of the miniature poppies...

Coming to Life!
The border is getting more and more colour! #gardenrestorationblog

Little pots going into the border now...
Lots of little pots going into the border now…. I don’t think I’m going to be able to put them into the soil as it’s still too poor. ...

Salvaged wildflowers
These pots have been in and out of the shade as I’ve been trying to salvage them after the drought. They’re beginning to flower so I’ll...

Beginning to resemble a 'garden' now!
Finally it looks like a ‘garden’ rather than wasteland! #gardenrestorationblog

The bald patch!
This shot shows the newly sown area of grass. Much of it is bright green, long and lush - however there is still a patch that will not...

A wider view...
A wider view of the pots in the border. It's all starting to take shape! #gardenrestorationblog

Building up the border!
It’s time to start putting the wildflower pots into the border... #gardenrestorationblog

Nearly shed the armour...
The woodlouse is nearly free.... #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife