Grasshopper Paradise
The long grassy patch by the brick pile is still home to a multitude of grasshoppers. #gardenrestorationblog

Speckles of colour
Reminds me of a Gustav Klimt picture I had on my wall in college... LOVE IT! #gardenrestorationblog

Hoverfly Hot Spot
On another sunny twig, a large hoverfly warms itself in the sunshine. #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

Mating Shield Bugs
The shield bugs finally found their perfect spot! #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

View through the Buddleia
Here’s the view through the buddleia. The flowers are beginning to die back now. They might look brown and crusty but I’m going to...

Shield Bug Courtship
At first glance this might just look like that buddleia flowers dying back. But look more closely and you’ll see a pair of green shield...

The Contaminated Patch
I’m not sure I’m ever going to be able to get grass to grow here… #gardenrestorationblog

Love borage!
The borage is another plant that seems to thrive in shade and full sun. The bees love the flowers and I love the splashes of blue that...

And ANOTHER one!
Another big hairy caterpillar! #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

Think she approves!...
It’s all looking so neat and tidy now… think the cat approves! #gardenrestorationblog #cat