The Border Just Gets Better!
I love coming home to this view. It makes all the hard work worthwhile. #gardenrestorationblog

Beetle or Shield Bug?
Here’s another one I needed a hand with identification. The giveaway markings are the three black dots that appear on the golden abdomen....

Fuzzy caterpillar
I had to ask around on twitter for help identifying this one. #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

Fuzzy caterpillar Close-Up
Just look how long those hairs actually are! #gardenrestorationblog #wildlife

Speckled Bush Cricket
This little guy is so relaxed. I’ve seen a few of these around the garden and they always just look at me and let me take photos! ...

Broken Tripod!
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention! I’ve been trying to film some shots of the garden as it looks now for my ‘before and...

The Garden View
The lawn actually looks like a lawn now! #gardenrestorationblog

Cat’s Idea of Diary Management
I spend more time outside than at a desk when I’m at home. And that’s a good thing… #gardenrestorationblog

Antique Pink Roses
I treated myself to a bunch of roses - and they smell SO lovely! #gardenrestorationblog

Stump and Flowers
This is probably the best the stump has looked! I’ve enjoyed watching it get surrounded by wildflowers, bees and butterflies....