The Pincushion Flower...
Here’s a closer view of the pink scabious flower, complete with a feeding bee. This lovely flower is also known as the pincushion flower...
The Buddleia is covered in ladybirds now....
The buddleia is attracting a LOT of ladybirds this afternoon.... #gardenrestorationblog
More ladybirds today...
The sun is still shining and here’s another portrait. Another Harlequin I do believe.... #gardenrestorationblog
More Minibeasts
The sunshine really has brought out the minibeasts. They’re loving the new plants in the garden. This is a bright Green Shield Bug....
Another large Harlequin Ladybird...
More ladybirds.... #gardenrestorationblog
The Ladybirds are Back!
Over the past couple of days I’ve seen several different varieties of ladybird on the lilac-flowered scabious. I had brought two pots...
The Patio
I weeded the patio area and made it look ‘neat’. I put some pea shingle into the holes and created a border at the base of the fence for...
I think this is a Harlequin?....
This ladybird pattern is new to me. The ladybird itself is very big though so I am assuming it is a Harlequin rather than a native...
The Nettle Patch..
The Nettle Patch is thriving. I don’t want it to get too big though as the nettles could easily take over the area, so I’ll keep them...
The Purple Iris
And here it is finally - in all its beautiful glory! I'm REALLY chuffed, it looks amazing! #gardenrestorationblog